NBI clearance, UMID card - two extremely important documents that are difficult to obtain. Hundreds of thousands of Filipino citizens ask questions like “where to get NBI clearance” or “how to renew it”, so we decided to answer all the essential questions at once. This guide will be focused on NBI clearance, mostly. However, we will also cover some points related to UMID cards.
Hundreds of thousands of Filipino citizens ask questions like “where to get NBI clearance” or “how to renew it”
Traditionally, the process of getting or renewing documents is long, tedious, and even depressing. Earlier, it was impossible to get NBI clearance Philippines without spending hours in never-ending lines. Today, the citizens can choose another way, and get or renew this document online. Actually, the process is pretty simple but a lot of users don’t know how to apply NBI clearance online.
Today, the citizens can choose another way, and get or renew this document online
In the following sections, we will guide you through the main stages of obtaining your desired certificate. We recommend exploring this article fully to do everything right. Put simply, you will need some time, a computer or a mobile device, and the Internet to figure out how to register NBI online.
Without further ado, let’s start with the most basic info!
The first question is simple and the answer may be well-known to you. Nevertheless, we think that it’s important to reveal this information.
NBI is the Bureau. Yeah, it’s like Philippine FBI. To answer how to sign up NBI clearance online, you also should know that this document proves that the owner is a law-abiding citizen that has never had legal problems. NBI issues these certificates to all applicants who meet the requirements.
Since 2015, the one and only correct answer to a question like “how to appointment in NBI” has been online. The Bureau doesn’t accept offline requests because it strives to offer simple and convenient processes for everyone. Still, if you don’t have a computer or the Internet access, you can enter the main office of NBI in Manila, connect to its Wi-Fi, register there, and get your unique document quickly.
Here are a few more tips that can help you understand how to register in NBI and why it’s important for citizens:
Hopefully, the idea of NBI clearance is understandable now. Thus, let’s proceed to the rules.
First things first, the only requirement for obtaining your own NBI clearance relates to valid ID documents. This rule is obligatory for the first-time users. Additionally, if you want to know how to get NBI ID card as a replacement for previous documents that have any errors or changes, the following requirements are valid, too.
Remember that non-governmental documents like IDs of your company aren’t accepted at all.
So, you have to provide two of any government-issued IDs. Among examples, we can mention passports, UMID cards (the process of obtaining this document will be described further), Pag-IBIG IDs, birth certificates, IDs of voters, and so on. The full list of legit identification cards can be found here or here. Remember that non-governmental documents like IDs of your company aren’t accepted at all.
The next important question is what to bring for NBI clearance. Yes, we know the exact list but what about documents’ condition? Generally, clerks accept only original copies without significant defects and with a real photo. Of course, the chosen IDs must be not overdue. Remember that the site requires to provide only one card. But still, make sure to bring two documents.
Remember that the site requires to provide only one card. But still, make sure to bring two documents.
Nice! Now, let’s move to another idea of this article: how to apply NBI online registration. The process is plain and understandable.
Actually, applying for a new document is really straightforward. In this part, we will help you get this official paper by submitting an application and then visiting a land-based NBI center. This section is for everybody who wants to get their first clearance or renew any version issued earlier than 2014. For those readers who want to know how to renew NBI issued after 2014, we have another instruction list described further.
Well, let’s look at six steps that will help you obtain the desired certificate.
The very first step requires you to open the website and find a form located on the right. It starts with the title Register. Select the NO option in the subtitle and you will see a slightly different form that allows creating a completely new account. Here, fill out all the lines carefully.
Here are hints that show how to fill up a form in NBI:
In the end, confirm that you aren’t a robot and click Sign Up.
Enter the website using your credentials. You will be immediately directed to the section with the NBI clearance application form. Explore it carefully, then input the info, and check it. All lines should be clear here because you definitely know your name, civil status, and real address. Remember that this form barely supports dots and commas.
Remember that this form barely supports dots and commas.
Save the data using the eponymous button and edit it if necessary. Don’t forget to check all the lines. For instance, clients often ask what if no middle name in NBI clearance. In this case, you can try using abbreviations NA or MNU or simply using a dash. Just don’t forget to bring your birth certificate to clerks. Now, move to the Apply for Clearance section.
You will spot a window that requests a valid ID. We have mentioned the list of valid documents in the section dedicated to requirements. Despite this online form requires only one document, you must have two ID cards at the moment of the real meeting.
After submitting, a calendar should appear. Before you ask how to cancel appointment in NBI (by the way, you can ignore all appointments and set new ones until the payment made), let’s look at how to arrange the first meeting. From the upper drop-down list, you should choose the desired NBI center. Then, find the most suitable date in the calendar, click it, and choose the preferred daytime: either morning (a.m.) or evening (p.m.). All the blue boxes are open for registration while the red color marks days when this center doesn’t work.
Further, we will answer where to pay NBI clearance. Near the calendar, locate the right menu with payment options:
It’s not a big deal to pay for a document. You should select the preferred method and remember the unique reference number that will appear. Depending on your choice, it will be possible to pay via online interfaces or use the number to pay in any local office. Now, you know how to pay NBI clearance via Bayad Center or in another way.
You can always check the transaction status in the eponymous menu at the NBI site
You can always check the transaction status in the eponymous menu at the NBI site. Successful payments will have the Paid status.
During the meeting, don’t forget to provide all the essential documents. Get two valid IDs and a printed application. Alternatively, you can bring your registration number and then show it to the NBI representatives. Yeah, it’s not necessary to know how to print NBI application form online because officers accept reference numbers, as well.
To finalize the process, bring your number or application to the data capture specialists. Then, they will take your photo, ask to provide a signature, and check the fingerprints. Explore all the info carefully because it will be impossible to change it later. If everything’s right, move to the final area where clerks will give your own unique NBI clearance.
Congrats, you made it! The only thing to remember here relates to so-called hits. Usually, we hear the question: how long to process NBI clearance and answer that it takes a few minutes. Generally, you can get your document right after you have gone through all the processes in the capture area. That’s it.
Usually, we hear the question: how long to process NBI clearance and answer that it takes a few minutes
However, sometimes, there are your criminal namesakes. Don’t panic. You should come back in a few days so officers can check everything and issue a correct certificate to you. In this case, the question: how many days to get NBI clearance is difficult to answer. Probably, it will take three or four days.
Overall, the whole process is simple and clear, isn’t it?
This process is even simpler because you should already understand how to get the original document. Put simply, to renew it, a citizen has to find its NBI ID number. Note that it’s impossible to get a clearance if you don’t remember its previous number. In this case, you will have to request a new one. So, the answer to: how to renew NBI clearance without old NBI number is - it’s simply impossible.
Talking about a renewal, there are two ways to complete it. The first one is quicker, more convenient, and more expensive while the second one requires a personal visit but comes with lower expenses. We will look at both options:
Long story short, UMID is a governmental ID document that is backed by four agencies with all their benefits: SSS, GSIS, Pag-IBIG, and PhilHealth. You can use this card for transactions within these organizations, for checking and getting benefits, for verifying other applications that require IDs.
To get the paper, you must provide one of the primary IDs. You may ask: is NBI clearance a valid ID? Well, not at all. It can only be used as a secondary document in combination with any other ID. The complete list of both ID types can be found here.
To get a UMID card, you should follow these steps:
That’s it. Everything should be clear now. Sadly, this process is offline only, as for now. Thus, we can answer positively to the question: can I get NBI clearance online but can’t do the same for the UMID card.
Finally, we will list some popular questions related to NBI clearance idea, definition, benefits, and features:
Hopefully, the information was useful to you. Good luck in interacting with governmental bodies! This can be a long process but online features facilitate it, definitely. Now, you can tell other people how to have NBI clearance online. Educate your friends!